In many ways, Eddie Hall does not live up to his billing.
Nicknamed 'The Beast', Hall boasts tribal tattoos, a ‘warhawk’ hairstyle and a 28-stone frame (he requires two chairs to sit down). His physical presence is frankly astonishing - but then it would have to be, given that Hall is ranked among the world's top five strongest men. Officially Britain's Strongest Man, Hall has been a mainstay of Strongman competitions for years, making a living by tossing 20kg+ kegs over four metre high walls and lifting 160kg 'atlas stones' onto chest-high plinths.
What is most surprising about this remarkable man, however, is his character. While the above description might call to your mind an air of intimidation and aggression, Hall could not be further from the stereotype. A gentle man with a powerful handshake and an even more powerful smile, the 27-year-old from Stoke-on-Trent turns out to be the most honest and grounded sportsmen I have ever met.