Hillary Clinton broke six days of silence on the Harvey Weinstein scandal hours after he was alleged to have committed three rapes, saying she was 'shocked and appalled' - but saying nothing about returning his tainted donations.
The 2016 presidential loser issued a statement through her spokesman saying his behavior 'cannot be tolerated' - shortly after Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Joloie said they too were victims.
'I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,' Clintoin said.
'The behavior described by the women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behaviour.'
Her statement ended silence but left open the crucial issue of the vast amount of cash Weinstein donated directly to her and her family, and brought in frm his celebrity friends.
And it came after two public appearances in which she said nothing about her mega-donor friend's sexual harassment scandal, even as she spoke atone, at UC Davis on Monday, about the 'double standards' faced by women running for president.
The Clinton Foundation has also continued to duck requests for comment from DailyMail.com about its up to $250,000 donor.
The final pressure to speak came from Tim Kaine, her running mate.