WATERS: "I have called him what I know him to be for a long time. Remember some time ago I called him scumbag. I’ve called him a racist. Deplorable, despicable. Added to what others are calling him, a moron, ignorant. On and on and on. The United States of America is represented by the most despicable human being that could possibly ever walk the Earth. I don’t know when Americans are going to tire of this lying man. It has been documented that he has told over 2,001 lies since he has been in office. He name-calls. He basically disparaged a united States congresswoman and basically said she would do anything for a contribution. Talked about, as you know, during the campaign, grabbing women by their private parts. What more do we need to see or hear from this racist man? Not only is he racist, he is an embarrassment for this country. Our allies are quickly moving away from him. What are we waiting for? He is basically bringing this country down. And for all of those Republicans on the other side who stand with him, who claimed to have been patriotic, they are not patriotic. They are weaklings with not the guts to stand up, or they join him as racists. And so I have known this, and I’ve called for his impeachment over and over again. I’ve been criticized for it. But I don’t know what else we need to see about him. I know a lot of people are saying, let’s see what Mueller is going to do, is he going to connect the dots? Well, this man has obstructed justice right before our very eyes. We keep hearing about all of these meetings and connections with the Russians, about his family and others. I simply believe that not only has he colluded, and of course he has obstructed justice, but his character is such that the United States and the citizens of this country, rather, should not be willing to tolerate. He’s a bad image for our children, and he should be impeached. We should move him out of office. The American citizens who are fed up with him are looking for Congress to take responsibility. And do what we must do and impeach him, get rid of him, get him out of her."