Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — who says he corrected President Trump when he allegedly made a comment about African countries being a “shithole” — made a similar comment in 2013, calling Mexico and other Central American countries a “hellhole.”
Graham, in 2013, said during a Senate panel discussion that Mexico and other countries the majority of illegal aliens are deriving from are a “hellhole.”
Graham said at the time:
The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes. They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come to America
There are 11 million people coming through the southern border ‘cause they come from countries where they can’t find work, and life is miserable. So it seems to me that if you can control who gets a job you’ve gone a long way in controlling illegal immigration. Because as long as the jobs are available in America you can’t build a fence high enough to stop people.