Former Vice President Joe Biden dodged a question Thursday about whether Hillary Clinton would have won the 2016 presidential election if she had been a better candidate.
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell spoke with Biden, a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who declined to run in the 2016 election despite many Democrats having hoped he would.
Mitchell first asked Biden if former FBI Director James Comey was to blame for Clinton's loss.
"If he had not reopened that investigation, look, there's no doubt that it had to hurt her. There's no way it could have helped her, that happening," Biden said of the Clinton email investigation. "Whether that was enough to make the 72,000 vote difference in the key states, it remains to be seen. But let me put it this way, it sure didn't help."
"Would she have won if she were a better candidate?" Mitchell asked.
"Look, I uh, I think what happened was something we've never seen in American politics," Biden said before talking about the widespread expectation that Donald Trump wouldn't be able to win the election.
Biden added that during the campaign, Trump prevented Clinton from ever being able to turn the debate to the issues and "subject matter."