Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain said if President Donald Trump fired special counsel Robert Mueller, there would be riots in Washington D.C. “at levels we haven’t seen.”
McCain said, “We are sitting around pontificating about something that hasn’t happened, that’s going on a lot of unnamed sources so I don’t think we should get too far ahead of our skis. I do think everything you’re saying about what would happen if he does fires Mueller, I have said, Lindsey Graham has said it’s political suicide. I one hundred percent think there would be — I think there would actually be rioting in Washington, D.C. I think it would be at levels we haven’t seen.”
Co-host Whoopi Goldberg interjected, “Now that would be fun to watch I have to say.”
McCain added, “Yeah I mean — I think it would take levels that we can’t comprehend since the Nixon era, and I don’t think we should get too far ahead because it hasn’t happened.”