Last year, Syrian chemical attack survivor Kassem Eid sent shockwaves through the anti-Trump, anti-refugee ban community when he refused to play along with CNN’s anti-Trump narrative during an interview with #VeryFakeNewsCNN host Brooke Baldwin. The interview took a seriously bad turn for the anti-Trump network when they thought they were going to be interviewing a 2013 Syrian chemical attack survivor who would assist them in their pro-refugee propaganda campaign against President Trump.
Kassem Eid, didn’t waste any time with small talk with Baldwin, but instead, cut directly to his praise for Donald Trump’s bold actions against President Bashar al-Assad’. After almost 60 seconds of praising Donald Trump for his actions, CNN pundit Brooke Baldwin broke in to remind viewers that Trump also didn’t want Syrian refugees coming to America, by showing a clip of Hillary Clinton trashing Trump on his travel ban. Eid shot back, “With all due respect, with all due respect, I didn’t see each and every person who was demonstrating after the travel ban, I didn’t see you three days ago when people were gassed to death, when civilians were gassed to death. I didn’t see you raising your voice against President Obama’s inaction in Syria, that let us refugees, that made us refugees get kicked out of Syria. If you really care about refugees, if you really care about helping us, please, help us stay in our country. We don’t want to come to the United States. We want to stay in our country. This is hypocrisy…We don’t want to become refugees. Help us to establish safe zones.”
After Baldwin couldn’t bear anymore compliments for Donald Trump, she interrupted, “ok, I understand”.
Eid persisted, “And if you just give me a few seconds, just to tell President Trump: ‘Please sir, what you did was amazing. What you did was a powerful message of hope for a lot of people inside and outside of Syria. Please, don’t stop on this. Help Syrians stay in their country…”