Translated article from Moroccan source-The video made the headlines of several media. We see two hooded individuals, carrying swords and seeming to want to attack a house by threatening to blow it up using a gas cylinder in their possession. This violence and these threats are said to have targeted one of the inhabitants of this house who is accused of apostasy.
The video has ignited the Web which had been filmed in Kelaât Sraghna, near Marrakech, by people who would have converted to Christianity.
According to the same source, the possible explanation circulating is that the said people created this bad scenario to emphasize the repression and the persecution that would be the lot of Moroccans converted to the Christian religion, and thus obtain a visa to leave. the country.
Remember that this video has sown terror and terror in those who have seen it believe that these are proven facts, as it includes scenes of violence and unheard-of horror.