Anderson Cooper, as with much of his CNN network has been soft touching the riots, calling them peaceful protests mostly with a few bad apples here and there.
In this incoherent rant, Cooper says:
“I’ve seen people dying in the streets while protesting. I’ve seen countries ripped apart by hate and mystery misinformation and laws and political demagogues and racism,” Cooper said. “We can’t let that happen here. Of course violence is no answer, but people protesting deserve answers, and they haven’t gotten them. no matter how many black men have been murdered, lynched, in prison, mistreated, redlined, blackballed from jobs. We all know it. People protesting in the streets they know it, and they’re tired of it. And we should be too.”
“He(Trump) has to sick police on peaceful protesters so he can make a big show of being the little big man walking to a closed down church,” said Anderson Cooper.
“This event, as I said, if it wasn’t so dangerous and disgusting, it would be funny, because it is so low rent and just sad,” Cooper added.
Good post you shared, by reading this, i got some new point.
Thanks Tom. I was told last week that I was like the Bob Ross of podcasts. I must stop waving paint brushes around when I present ;-)
Another reason for having a podcast is you can use it to present on the types of topics that wouldn't be likely to be accepted by conference organisers. For example, something that is only 20 minutes long, or 200 minutes long, or a topic that is very esoteric.