BERKELEY (KPIX) – A bizarre blowtorch attack in Berkeley ended when the victims subdued the attacker, but not before he pulled out a knife and a hatchet.
The surveillance video shows just how quickly it happened. A man in a backpack walks into a tea shop and immediately lights a customer’s hair on fire.
“He said something right before he sprayed, and it was kind of like an evil chuckle,” said Angelique, a witness who asked us not to further identify her.
Angelique said she and her friends had just stepped into the Feng Cha Teahouse in Berkeley and were standing in line when suddenly, a man chased some other people into the store, walked in the door, immediately sprayed WD40 on three men, then set a fire with a small torch.
“Once he ignited it, it just burst out into flames,” said Noel Nubla, of Berkeley, who was also sprayed with WD40 but did not get torched.