A neighborhood dispute about dogs in Discovery Bay took a racist turn on Monday when a white woman approached a Black man and told him, “You’re a Black person in a white neighborhood — and you’re acting like one.”
“Why don’t you act like a white person in a white neighborhood?” Adana Dean asked Gerritt Jones, according to videos that Jones’ sister, Jariell, posted on Twitter. The videos included security footage from the Jones’ home and cell phone footage taken by Jariell Jones.
"You know what? You guys are acting like Black people when you shouldn't, you should act like white people," she declares.
Incensed, Jariell asks her to repeat what she just said, and thus comes the justification.
"I was raised in Oklahoma City, where there were tons of Black people," she explains. "You're acting like people... that aren't normal."
She then gets right in the homeowners' faces, announcing: "You know I have a top secret clearance?" before finally walking away... but then comes back for another round.