From the woman recording:
"Yes, it's Sacramento, April 11th, in McKinley Park. We saw posts about a white lives matter protest so we went to stream it. No white lives matter protesters showed up. There were many counter-protesters there and these 3 were with that group.
Because of our previous streams the police recognize us and stopped to talk to us. That's what drew attention to us.
There were no protesters, only counter protesters if that makes any sense. While walking back to our car we were stalked by these 3. Any attempt to diffuse the situation was met with aggression. You hear the racist rhetoric from them and call for white genocide, that speaks for itself. You see what happens as soon as we try to walk away.
If you check norcalresist and the like on instagram, these are the 3 they are begging for bail money and calling it ridiculously high.
I do agree that the words hate crime should not be used yet until they are formally charged.
The video is slightly shortened due to not wanting to show my partner's face. She had it pointed toward her speaking to her viewers about the non protest that didn't happen when we were approached."