Grand Rapids police could be facing a lawsuit after a traffic stop led to an officer throwing punches.
Police body camera video of the March 26 incident has been circulating on social media.
Two of the men in the car are Black and the passenger in the back seat is Latino. They say it was a case of racial profiling.
Attorney Tyrone Bynum, who is representing the men who were pulled over, identified the driver as Diabate Hood. He declined to identify the other two until he receives more information on their charges. Police have not released the names of the men, either.
They were stopped just west of the intersection of S. Division Avenue and Hall Street near the highway overpass. The Grand Rapids Police Department said in a Wednesday statement officers initially pulled the car over for littering.
The video shows several squad cars on scene as multiple officers approached the three men in the Chevrolet sedan. As officers walked up to the car, one can be heard saying he saw the passenger stuff something under his seat.
Toward the beginning of the video, police asked the passenger, who they say threw something out of the window, to step out of the car. At the same time, several other officers can be heard going back and forth with the driver, Hood. Hood asked repeatedly why he needed to leave the car if officers had his license. He also added that he has somewhere to be.
As one passenger was frisked, things escalated between Hood and the officers. In the video, the driver appears to try running out of the passenger’s side door. He was quickly stopped by officers on both sides of the car.
Hood was then pulled out of the passenger side door. Several officers can be seen on top of him. One then punched Hood multiple times in the face.
Hood screamed out several times, saying, “My eye!” while trying to protect his face.
Police say the stop was a part of their Operation: Safe Neighborhoods, which is a response to an uptick in violent crime. They say they had “timely and accurate intelligence” to address felonies and illegal weapons during the operation, but did not specify exactly what that intelligence was.
“This is the police work that I expect from my personnel,” GRPD Chief Eric Payne said in a Wednesday statement. “I have made the enforcement of violent crime and the recovery of illegal firearms one of the department’s top priorities.”
Police say they found four weapons inside the vehicle. The stop ended with three felony arrests.
Bynum said the men should have never been asked to get out of the car.
“What I saw in the video was another George Floyd,” Bynum said. “My point is why are we to this point anyway? This is a felony-type stop. Why are we asking these guys to get out of the vehicle? Why are we handcuffing them?”
Bynum says the stop feels eerily similar to a case he saw two years ago during which GRPD officers were accused of repeatedly punching a handcuffed man in the torso.
Bynum says one of the most alarming parts about the video is hearing an officer say that Hood is “lucky he’s not dead.”
“For that to be a statement made in the heat of the moment, that was an honest statement and an honest belief of an officer that believed that was a possibility,” Bynum said. “I mean actually stated, he actually said, ‘You’re lucky.’”
Bynum said that since posting the video on social media, several people have contacted him saying they believe they were also racially profiled in the area of Division and Hall. He is now working to get more information released on the nature of those shops.
GRPD says the stop was reviewed by supervisors and members of the department’s Training Unit. At this point, there have not been any Internal Affairs complaints filed about the incident.
I never go to theaters with reserved seating. It's a movie, not a damned sporting event.
I swear that was the actor Seymour idiot that committed suicide supposedly….
On another note. Haven’t been to a theater since mandatory seating
Smaller theaters like that have you pick your seats when you buy your ticket. I'm sure this all started when the person who purchased that seat asked him to move and he acted like a child and that person asked management for assistance.
And they don't say a word to the guy with his nasty ass feet on the seat in front of him. It was going good until he put on his pedo raincoat.
Those are reclining seats. Like the ones you would have on a LazyBoy couch.
yeah he's acting like the kneegrow in the coach seat behind you that got on standby.
Usher is a power hungry phagot, you should of let it slide.
yeah goodbye and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Must have been a special showing of Broke Back Mountain.
Doesn´t he look the part...
Store food and weapons !
You don't want to be standing in "food lines" with these people .
I "kid you" there won't be any food for those lines to be used for .........
.... black leather trench coat....
been to tinseltown on beltway 8 back in the day? we had fools f'ng in the back rows!
oh snaps... i remember that place...
If you want to stick up for that fat phaggot in the red pajamas and rubber trench coat go ahead. I'm with the chic, Seems like you're
the one that would rather hear a fat boy fart instead of a pretty girl sing. You can sit on that fat bastard's lap for all I care only the co ck ain't gonna be in your mouth.
man i can't wait for dr strange 2!
When I lived in Hong Kong, all the theaters had what's being called assigned seating. You selected what seat you wanted from a chart of the theater when you bought your ticket. You could even buy a ticket days in advance for a film you wanted to see. I loved that system as it prevented all the idiocy of people rushing inside trying to outdo others in a scramble for the best seats. It also meant you didn't have to stand in huge lines. As is, the only time theater staff would take issue with you (even in a mostly empty theater) is if you tried to switch from a cheap seat to an expensive one. For example, the seats closer to the screen were the cheap seats and the seats in the balcony cost lots more.
All that being said, if the theater in this case didn't have differently priced tickets and the theater was mostly empty so that it wouldn't matter where someone sat, then the theater staff were really being very anal jerks about it and on a power trip.
Excellent comment... This is called nuanced thinking.
There would only be two problems if this chose this seat... If he was so tall he was impeding someone's view who purposefully booked a seat with no one in front. Although that doesn't hold water, because the guy or anyone else could just go and book that seat he was now sitting in. Or if he was perving on someone. Although that's not a crime either. Point is, the theatre was empty, and discretion should have been used to allow people to sit where they want, with the caveat that if someone bought that actual seat at some point, then and only then would he have to move.
Ultimately, the theatre usher was been too strict with the 'rule' instead of using his discretion on this case by case basis to allow it, since it was a no harm no foul situation, and no one else knew or cared the guy what in an unassigned seat. It was an usher power trip. And he lost a customer, and probably lots of other people who will never go to assigned seating theatres as a result of seeing this.
The usher made it into a thing, not the customer. Whatever happened to 'the customer is always right', and customer oriented service. Nowadays it's 'anytime as a lowly peon I have power over someone for anything, I'm going to flex it'. Fuck the cuck usher
Follow the illogical Communist rules. Sir, we assigned you that nice seat in the very right back corner where you have to look wonky eyed and tilt-headed the whole time. We appreciate your $25 ticket and $30 for treats, but YOU WILL SIT WHERE WE TELL YOU TO SIT. AND YOU WILL SAY AND NOT SAY WHAT WE TELL YOU TOO AS WELL. THE GOVERNMENT DOES IT. SO CAN WE.
But if you own a Christian bakery, you MUST bake cakes for gay weddings. Because WE TELL YOU TO.
It's all about ENTRAINMENT to OBEYING illogical DICTATES on every level.
what stupid BS. I would have told the guy if the person with that seat number shows up you are going to have to move but until then .....no problem
Right, that's what normal people do OR you could just go back to first come first serve.
Well first of all the management would not come in and ask him to move unless someone complained that he was sitting in the seat that they had the tickets for.
Just grab the fat fucker by his hippy-dippy hair and drag him out like a rabid dog. Where the head goes, the fat ass body will follow. What a DICK!!! And he can vote in this great country of ours. THAT is what's sad. Guarantee he votes democrat.
You're so far backwards, you're probably a tranny Albert you fag. Demonrats are all about following illogical rules, it's Libertarians that understand freedom.
Now go bake your gay wedding cake. DWEEB
Empty theater and management is enforcing theater seating. What a bunch of Ass holes.
everybody gets treated the same way dipshit. if they make the expectation for him then they would for everybody and whats the point of assigned seating. how stupid can you be trying to justify this
If assigned seating is the system, use it or go somewhere else.
Concert halls, Broadway theaters, restaurants taking reservations, airplanes, sleeper trains, sports arenas, car rental agencies, private marinas, .....they all use assigned seating or equivalents.
Heck, when I rent space at gun shows the tables are assigned ahead of time. I did a trade show at the Javits in NYC and my location was assigned weeks in advance.
Its not a new concept.
Any sympathy I had for his arguing points were shattered the moment I saw he was the 'It Places the Lotion in the Basket' guy. EDIT: I paused it before he turned around. Now he's Junior the Gorg Giant from Fraggle Rock https://muppet.fandom.com/w...
I was waiting for him to come out with the tran sgen der card.
Buy a small pool .........
You can use that pool water !!
From personal experience in a theater that has preassigned seating, I can say with 100% confidence that management does not come in to the theater EVER to assure that you are sitting in the proper seat unless someone comes out to complain.
If the place going to be full, then I agree with you.
Dude just my opinion, not trying to start a range war.
The rules are to be complied with.
If you allow this little disobedience, society will collapse eventually.
First you allow sitting in wrong seat in theater and next thing you know is negroes driving in buses sitting in front with white folks or walking into whites only stores.
Exactly right.
Although it might not matter where he sits in this case, what is the reason for him to sit one seat to the right?
And why on Earth would he refuse to sit in his seat?
Only to cause a confrontation, what an asshole.
Actually there are several places that permit you to do just that with unimproved vacant land. You can actually become the owner of the land, Florida used to be one.
I was wondering how many people he had chained in his basement. But I suppose he would have been so outrageous.