CORINTH, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – The Corinth Police Department is responding to video that was recently released of a shooting between officers and a resident at a home in February.
There were no officers injured and the man survived his injuries, but the dramatic video is being shared throughout social media.
An attorney for the man released the video to get their client’s side of the story out. Police said they posted a response on Facebook Friday morning to make their account of events clear.
Corinth police showed up moments after Charles Williams, Jr, pulled into his driveway. “The suspect was highly agitated and armed,” Corinth Police Cpt. Jimmie Gregg said.
Police said officers received a call about a drunk driver and that the caller had followed the suspect home. Williams denied he was intoxicated.
“Clearly this is a man at his home being approached and accosted by law enforcement for reasons he can’t really understand. And he’s afraid,” attorney Justin Moore said.
Williams could be heard on the video saying, “I’m not getting on the ground… I’m not getting on the ground. This is my property.”
His wife could be seen walking next to him. A gun was also seen on Williams’ hip.
“If you see the video we have, he didn’t have a weapon in his hands,” Moore said.
As Williams takes two steps off his porch, a shot could be heard. Corinth police said it was a bean-bag round.
“He wasn’t holding the gun, what triggered the officers to shoot was that he came off the porch and started approaching them,” Gregg said.
Williams could then be seen pulling out his gun and starting to shoot at police. Officers fired back with bullets.
Williams was charged with three counts of aggravated assault of a police officer.
Corinth police said both the Texas Rangers and a Denton County grand jury reviewed the officers’ use of force and found nothing wrong.