YouTube is taking a lot of heat for censoring conservatives and shadow banning Republicans, Independents, or anyone else who isn't doing exactly what the Democrats demand of them, their tech tyrant allies at Google are now begging the government to begin doing their work for them.
Listen to the YouTube CEO beg the US government for MORE censorship.
Susan Wojcicki: Our recommendations for governments who want to have more control over online speech is to pass laws to have that very cleanly and clearly define such that we can implement it. There are times we see the laws being implemented or being suggested that they are not very clean or possible for us to cleanly interpret them. And we’ve also seen laws just passed for the internet as opposed to for all speech. And I do think that’s a dangerous area when we start to get in and say oh sure you can say something like this for a magazine or on TV but you can’t say it on the internet.
So, next time you hear someone claim that conservatives aren't censored, just remember that the CEO of the largest video platform and 2nd largest search engine online said that is exactly what they want. Don't think for a second they aren't already doing this.
Democrats can't win debates, so they censor those who disagree with them. It's the only way to keep their message as the message people 'choose.'