A group of Antifa members were spotted by this guy walking the streets, so he took it upon himself to let them know he's actually the anti-fascist and shot them directly in the face with a flare gun.
The kid who was shot is missing teeth and has severe burns all over his face.
From 47 News:
According to 47news, on the afternoon of November 4, in the village of Staraya, Vsevolozhsk District, operatives from the Center "E" met with a 17-year-old young man, Daniil. No matter how he dissuaded them, they took him to the investigator of the Central District of St. Petersburg, who, after interrogating the suspect, detained him for a couple of days to begin with.
Today, he is charged with the usual norm - hooliganism, although, if you look at his antics, there is certainly an ideological motive in his actions. Moreover, the detainee himself filmed his attack and posted it on the Internet himself.