Nothing scares liberals more than facts. Nothing scares a school board more than a parent who actually looks at what their children are bringing home from school.
Not only is the CRT - Critical Race Theory curriculum being taught, it's yet another blatant attempt from Democrats to indocrinate children into believing cops are inherently racist who murder black people without reason.
Once the actual numbers are shown it paints an entirely different picture and exposes how leftists are blatantly lying in order to make black kids feel as if they can never succeed due to rampant oppression. Ironically, at the same time that Black Millionaires in America is at an all time high... But, but.. racism or something!
Having the first black president didn't help race relations, it just made everyone cry racism like Barack did any time someone disagreed with him, white liberals saw this worked for him and now Democrats have adopted it as their strategy to silence the opposition.