Russian Dictator Putin has openly threatened to launch counterattacks on any nation that steps in to help Ukraine defeat them. Now, we see he is actively moving his ICMB Nuclear missiles into position fearing that the 7,000 troops NATO have just called upon will begin engaging his troops.
Currently the Russian military has faced heavy resistence and entire convoys of tanks and armored personel carriers have been destroyed. At least 20+ helicopters and 7 fighter jets have been destroyed, several transport planes have also been shot down out of the sky. That is all due to an inferior military, imagine what just 7,000 of NATO's war hardened troops could do with the worlds most sophisticated weaponry.
Putin knows this is not a war he can win if NATO gets involved, so he is resorting to threatening nuclear warfare. That would be catastrophic for the entire planet, not just Russia which would be turned into a crater in just hours if they launched an attack on Europe.