Russian invaders are mining civilian facilities in Kherson, eyewitnesses in the city tell the agency.
According to Kherson residents, Russians are installing tripwire grenades throughout the city, in particular, the building of the Skifia TV and Radio Company has been mined.
A video has also been made public on social networks, in which you can see several tripwire grenades around the building.
Man: [Street name] 10, right at the [location], please be careful. There are tripwire bombs here. Be very careful, the wires are practically invisible. Here is this damn thing. God forbid someone goes here at night- People, be careful, [street name] 10. Right on the fence. Fuck.
(The video cuts.)
Woman: Where next? They said there's another tripwire bomb somewhere.
Crowd of people: Here it is, here.
Woman: Look.
Man: Just- Just like before, [street name] 10, here, next to the building. Here, right at this house-
Woman: Over there-
Man: Be careful. Be careful, please. People, be very careful, [street name] 10. Here, another tripwire bomb.
Woman: Sergej, don't get too close to it.
Man: And the wire goes here, here, here, here, here- Don't fucking touch [me].
Woman: Please don't go near it!
Man: Such a barely fucking visible wire. A thin wire tied right to this pole. Please be careful, people. Be careful around here, [street name] 10. Two tripwire bombs. Please.
Man in background: Three.
Man: They said they [verb is cut off] the urban-
Man in background: Three, red-head.
Man: Three what?
Man in background: There.
Man: Uh-huh. Oh! That one's even more serious (referring to the number of explosives used in the third mine), look. Here's another tripwire bomb.
Man in background: (inaudible)
Woman: Enough filming already.