Kim Kardashian herself has an empire now worth over $1 BILLION! Her advice to women is simple and straight to the point. 'Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days. You have to surround yourself with people that want to work.' Which is the exact opposite of what the Democrat party tells women, to them everything should be free because of sexism and the patriarchy or some other dumb shit that pushes more people to rely on the government for money.
Now the left wing media is attacking her and saying she doesn't understand what work is. These are the same people who failed at everything else at life but now sit back and write hit-pieces on anyone who doesn't think like they do. Here's a few examples VIA MRC.
Over at the insufferable Jezebel, which once posted a disgusting hit piece wishing death on former senior adviser to President Donald Trump Stephen Miller, the magazine attacked Kardashian:
'Kim Kardashian knows a thing or two about work. She’s been denied overtime and legally-required breaks. She’s been forced to eat work-related expenses after her boss refused to reimburse her and has been left in the lurch by an employer who wouldn’t pay her adequate wages—oh, wait, I got that part wrong. These specific employment abuses did not, as far as we know, happen to Kim K: According to a lawsuit filed last year by seven people who worked in her household staff, that’s how she treated people who worked for her.'
BuzzFeed ran a hit piece on Kardashian for her remarks in a March 9 piece headlined: “Kim Kardashian Is Facing Backlash For Her ‘Advice For Women In Business.’” The outlet whined: “Many pointed out that Kim's father was wealthy and famous, and Kim herself grew up in Beverly Hills.”
Perhaps leftists in the media can’t stand it when a businesswoman thinks for herself and is willing to be forthcoming on the grueling motivation it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
Whether you like her or not, there is no doubt she's successful at what she does, showing her fake ass all over social media for clicks. Now she makes upwards of $500,000 for ONE post for a brand. Love her or hate her, the girl knows how to market her ASSets.