LORAIN, Ohio (WOIO) - Caught on camera it was neighbor against neighbor as an argument quickly escalated into a violent attack.
A dog was hit with an axe, and Lorain’s assistant fire chief was arrested, and accused of a brutal assault on his next-door neighbor and one-time friend.
19 News has received permission to use two videos that show how Wednesday’s attack played out in Brownhelm Township in Lorain County.
According to the victim who asked not to be identified, the incident occurred before Noon on Gore Orphanage Road not far from Vermilion and began while he was sleeping after working a 16-hour shift.
In one video you see the victim walk out to his driveway and you see his next-door neighbor, Lorain’s Assistant Fire Chief Matthew Homolya walk towards him.
As the victim says to his neighbor, “Hey, I apologize. The accused lunges into him body-slamming him against his car, and then throws the victim to the concrete, while appearing to forcefully hold him down, and steadily cursing at him.”
Homolya said, “I am not (expletive) around. I told you I will (expletive) you up. Don’t (expletive) ever talk to me like that (expletive).”
After holding the victim down for a time, Homolya gets up and walks away for a few seconds, and then comes back to shoves the victim against his car again.
The victim said his neighbor allegedly threatened to kill his dogs, saying they attacked his dog who allegedly was in the victim’s yard.
That’s when the suspect came to the victim’s garage area, and that’s when the tale of the tape told the rest of the story.
In a second video, the violence continues, as you see the accused walk back on his neighbor’s property to his garage with what appears to be an ax in hand.
Then, you hear a blood-curdling bark and yelp from one of the victim’s German Shepherds.
But it wasn’t until after the victim called the Lorain County Sheriff’s Department for help that he realized there was blood inside his garage.
He tells 19 News he was horrified to learn his dogs were also brutally attacked.
The Lorain County man said his male German Shepherd Thor is the one you hear with make the heart-stopping bark.
The dog was crouched in his garage in pain after allegedly being hit in the head with the blunt side of an axe and left bleeding.