New York’s Hunter College professor, Eisa Nefertari Ulen, explains her article she wrote in the Hollywood Reporter on how Will Smith’s slap was triggered by 400 years of black erasure and black silencing.
Ulen's article was a brain salad mess, a series of random thoughts that had nothing to do with each other. Ulen seemed to focus on black women as an excuse for the slap:
"Black women whose enslaved ancestors were required, by law in some places and by custom in others, to cover their hair in rags. Black women like Harriet Jacobs who, in her 1861 narrative, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, wrote about the man who legally owned her and, upon discovering that she had a second child, “cut every hair close to my head, storming and swearing all the time."
Then she goes onto blaming alopecia:
"A 2019 study found that Black American women suffer from alopecia at a rate disproportionately higher than white, Latina and Asian American women, and in a 2016 survey of 5,594 Black women, 47.6 percent of respondents said they experienced hair loss. It is hard to be a Black woman and not know someone who suffers from this autoimmune disease."
Good luck connecting those dots.