The videos, released Thursday by Xenia police, show a man, later identified as Reid Duran, 35, of Fairborn, grabbing a pen and attempting to stab a police officer. Duran was being questioned by Xenia police after he was arrested at St. Brigid School Monday.
According to police, Duran went to the school, attempting to impersonate a parent with the intention of trying to kidnap a child. Xenia police also released the 911 call as part of a separate public records request.
The over four-minute call details the concerns raised by parents and the principal of St. Brigid School during the school’s open house Monday. “I need police. I have a trespasser. I have a gentleman here that has trespassed into our school open house, asking questions and claiming to be the parent of a daughter. And he is not,” the 911 caller, who was identified previously to News Center 7 as school principal Terry Adkins, told the dispatcher. “So I need a police officer to investigate and enquire. He’s posing a threat.” The dispatcher asked Adkins how he and his parents knew the man, later identified by police as Reid Duran, 35, of Fairborn, was not a parent.