In one of the more disturbing viral videos of late, two sisters started arguing about Smarties and ended with the younger girl stabbing the older one several times.
The video starts out somewhat typically, with siblings fighting over silly things. These two sisters were arguing about whether or not the younger one stole the older one's candy.
The older sister is seen starting a countdown to get the younger one to admit to the crime as an even younger sibling admits to taking the candy.
The older sister loses her patients and cool and snatches the laptop from the younger one. The younger sister grabs the older one's braids and starts puller her hair. The older one tells the father ''I'm not toucher her'' as she starts to cry. She then pushes the younger one, who falls back on the youngest child, sending both to the ground.
This is where things get horrifying. The younger sister grabs a large knife and proceeds to stab the older one in the arm several times before the father finally gets off his ass and intervenes.