Video showing Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman damaging a Black businessman’s sign is a stroke of bad luck for him.
The 2010 incident occurred when Fetterman served as mayor of Braddock, Pa., according to a Post-Gazette report.
The Daily Wire further reported:
The then-owner of Club 804, Assim Chaudhry, and someone who was interested in buying the club at the time, Cordell Collins, showed up to a local city council meeting with a laptop where they then played a video showing Fetterman vandalizing the sign, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported in 2010.
Video showed Fetterman changing the sign from saying, “Opening Soon Under New Management” to “Closed Not Opening Soon.”
Fetterman didn’t hide the fact that he did it as he bragged about it to a local news station saying that vandalizing the sign was his way of putting the club on notice that he was going to try to shut them down.
Democrats are hopeful that Fetterman will win his race against Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz and contribute to a majority in the evenly divided Senate. Amid criticism over his approach to drug policy, the longtime mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, apparently changed his campaign website.
As recently as last month, the website’s issues page discussed Fetterman’s commitment to Black Lives Matter — although the wording has since been removed. “John served as mayor of a city that’s more than 80% Black, and has championed the idea that Black lives matter since long before it became a hashtag,” an archived version of the website said under a section called “Black Lives Matter.”
Fetterman garnered controversy in 2013 after he responded to what he believed was gunfire by pulling a firearm on an African-American and detaining him until police arrived — an incident that has generated unease among black voters.
Οι πρόεδροι στις ΗΠΑ έχουν γίνει διακοσμητικοί πολύ πριν να γίνει το ίδιο και στην υπόλοιπη Δύση. Το παρακράτος φρόντισε να το δείξει σε όλους τους ενδιαφερόμενους από την εποχή των Κέννεντυ, για να μην μπαίνουν και ιδέες στα μυαλά τους. Τώρα δυστυχώς κάνει το ίδιο και για τη δημοσιογραφία, χρησιμοποιώντας αυτή τη φορά τον Ασανζ ως σκιάχτρο.
Για αυτό είναι και τόσο προκλητικά σαθρό και το κατηγορητήριο. Να βλέπουν άλλοι δημοσιογράφοι και δυνητικοί πληροφοριοδότες και να ξέρουν πως το σύστημα θα λειτουργήσει εντελώς εκδικητικά, ακόμα και όταν δεν υπάρχει το παραμικρό διαθέσιμο πρόσχημα.