An off-duty officer from the Cobb County Police Department knew he had to help when he saw a crashed car fully engulfed in flames along I-75/I-285. He wasn't the only Good Samaritan to come to the victim's rescue. His dashboard and body cam caught the entire act of heroism on tape.
On Sept. 18, Officer Hawkins with the Cobb County police was on his way home after finishing a shift when he said he saw the totaled vehicle on I-75 southbound. It was on fire.
First responders had already been called to the area, but Officer Hawkins pulled over anyway to see how he could help. The video shows him running toward a gate where a crowd of people are standing.
This crowd was full of other people on the road that night who also stopped to help. They found the driver was in dire need of it.
The victim managed to pull herself out of her wrecked car, but was still stuck behind the fenced area she crashed through.
The crowd had broken open the fence. With Officer Hawkins' help, they all carried the driver toward safety and waited for first responders to arrive and treat the severe burns on 50% of her body.
She was taken to the hospital to recuperate.