This disturbing and disgusting TikTok video comes from a Spanish father who claims his daughter is actually trans because she was a tomboy as a child and didn't like to wear female clothing.
The father claims he's been transitioning the girl since she's been 8 years old and will start giving her testosterone once she turns 12-13.
In this disturbing video, the father is seen giving the little girl a trans tattoo on her ankle.
Good post you shared, by reading this, i got some new point.
Thanks Tom. I was told last week that I was like the Bob Ross of podcasts. I must stop waving paint brushes around when I present ;-)
Another reason for having a podcast is you can use it to present on the types of topics that wouldn't be likely to be accepted by conference organisers. For example, something that is only 20 minutes long, or 200 minutes long, or a topic that is very esoteric.