The emergency happened the day before at 15:30. A 34-year-old driver of a Toyota Mark 2 car, who does not have a license (previously deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, but after the expiration of the deprivation period, did not pass the exam and did not take the VU), following Bolnichnaya Street, when leaving the roundabout, he drove onto the sidewalk near the house No. 16 of Karl Marx Boulevard, where he knocked down two pedestrians and crashed into an electrical pole.
As a result of an accident, both pedestrians - a woman born in 1948 and a man born in 1976 with injuries of varying severity, were hospitalized in the emergency hospital. In his explanation on the fact of the accident, the driver explained that he lost consciousness while driving a car, as he had health problems. The citizen refused to undergo a medical examination for intoxication in a narcological dispensary.