"The school is CLOSED today, May 8, because of the protests. The school has also disabled all of its social media accounts and is completely locked down.
According to the story from Fox News, a 6-year-old girl was forced by a six-year-old boy to go under his desk and perform an unnamed sex act on him, in the middle of class, while the teacher was in the room and supposedly "distracted" teaching another student.
Another little boy used a school-issued iPad to RECORD the assault and the school only found out when they discovered the kids put a lock on the iPad, forcing their tech guys to hack back into it.
According to the school, they notified CPS and the police, and since that's all that was required of them legally, they didn't inform the parents.
The parents would have never known except they questioned their daughter when she started acting anxious and afraid!
This detail from Fox is even more disturbing. One parent has said "My daughter comes home with bruises and rashes if she doesn't participate in these little boys' sick games"