This video has gone viral on Twitter which shows a 21-second interaction between a woman and a Houston cop at a 7-Eleven. Within the 21-second video, the officer calls her the N-word twice.
Here is the post from the woman who posted it originally:
Via: IG @ kalikakes_themodel
So today I went to pick my son up from his bus stop on Kirkwood and w airport and as I’m driving around 510pm it’s traffic going back down w airport to 59 this cyclist is in front me stopped as I was so once traffic start going he still didn’t move so I LITELY TAPPED MY horn
(thinking he was a cop so very likely I tapped) to make him aware traffic is gone in front of him and he can go so he looked in his side mirror and gave me a nasty face and parked right in the middle of the rd so me being in already sick with a cold I just simply got in the left lane and drove this man speed up next to me from the right lane and punched my side mirror and broke it so I got out the turning lane back behind him and followed him he kept breaking as if he wanted me to hit him so I went around made a u-turn and my son said mom there he is at the gas station so I walked in with my phone camera out asking him why did he hit my mirror and requesting his insurance info and this is wat he said before spitting on me!
Please share I need to find him a police report has been filed I am in such shock and anxiety all I could see is if I would have made the wrong move he would have did exactly what society has been doing to us blacks!
Taking our lives please share man mind me the store was 7 eleven and about 11 ppl standing there in line including blacks and a black girl had the nerve to say “gurl you better be quiet he got a u know what” and I wasn’t the one speaking at all!
op is lying like liberals do!
The guy is saying in clear english for what, for what, after which he said no, no!
Fuck those illegals and fuck the op!
lawless man taken down.. by the law.
Well at least ni gga pigga didnt shoot him. It appears a few weeks of rioting had forced all these coward cops to man up , even if only a little bit.
I have to stand on a mirror to see my dick.
Clearly, the police officer is a white racist...
Fuckin' B E A N E R got smacked!
These Vidmax JIDS are lying deliberately!!!
My man! George is a nice dude, don't unload on him please!
I'm not to tell you what to say, just you know....
He's ain't your enemy!
The ENEMY are :
Also :
oy vey!
Welcome to America. Now arrest the lady too for interfering with an arrest, and assault on police.
Oh come on. This BLACK cop CLEARLY punched this WHITE (the media always calls mexicans 'white') first. Riot I command. RIOT people!!
Guess he should learn some English
Can’t help but notice that no one, including the black girl filming, was crying afoul over the officers actions. It’s not excessive force if it’s a black cop thumping someone else that isn’t black.
Dude most likely illegal, woman knows she is screwed if he gets arrested, as he will be deported, so she is trying anything to get the cop to let him go. That is probably what her actions are all about. Why she is pushing her kid into the area. From the notes the guy speaks no English so whatever the cop was trying to do by grabbing him seems futile.