In an unfortunate event, a merchant identified as Ever Antonio Castellani Aquino lost his life on the afternoon of this Wednesday, February 28, after being shot by two motorcycle jets during an assault in Ciudad del Este, Department of Alto Paraná, Paraguay. The perpetrators of the crime were later arrested by the National Police.
Ever Antonio Castellani Aquino, dedicated to buying and selling jewelry over the Internet, was the victim of a fatal assault at his residence in the San Isidro neighborhood. According to information collected, since Tuesday, the merchant has been holding conversations with the criminals, who simulated interest in making purchases. Unfortunately, this communication culminated in a tragic outcome.
At the time of the fateful event, the merchant, distrustful of the alleged buyers' insistence on locating his house, opened the door with caution. When he realized that the individuals were carrying firearms, he tried to close the door, triggering a struggle that culminated in a fatal shot to the chest. The criminals seized the jewelry and money before fleeing the scene.
The National Police responded quickly and managed to capture the perpetrators, identified as Adrián Ramón Cabral Candia, 26 years old, with a history of aggravated robbery, and Hernán Ariel Leguizamón Roa, 25 years old. During the arrest, a red motorcycle, a firearm, and low-denomination cash belonging to the suspects were seized.