People who go to Canada’s Wonderland and ride some of the more extreme rides tend to know what they’re getting into.
People who go to Canada’s Wonderland and ride some of the more extreme rides tend to know what they’re getting into.
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But when the ride gets stuck and you and your fellow passengers are trapped and left swaying while park staff try to figure out a way to safely disembark riders, that’s when things can get out of hand.
One thrill-seeker recently went berserk after the Riptide was reportedly stuck, leaving himself and others on the water ride.
The man can be seen screaming at ride employees as the female rider to his left is crying while the male passenger to his right laughs as his rant appears to get more hysterical.
The clip then cuts to him and others finally off the ride as security staff try to calm the man down after he hurled bottles over the gates around the shut-down ride repeatedly calling the situation “bulls***.”
People can be heard and seen laughing at the man, in the white t-shirt, plaid pajama pants, black-and-white bandana and no shoes as he continued to complain to anyone who would listen.