This is U.S. District Judge John McConnell, the clown who blocked Trump and DOGE from uncovering massive amounts of fraud and abuse.
McConnell: When you’re sentencing someone, you have to take a moment and realize that this middle-class, white, male, privileged person needs to understand the human being that comes before us. That may be a woman, may be Black, may be transgender, may be poor, may be rich, may be whatever—may have experiences that are not yours. And you have to walk in their shoes and understand that the law applies to them where they are. And then you have to apply the law accordingly.”
McConnell: “So, why should you care? You should care because we’re the only things that stand in between an oppressive, arbitrary government and actions by individuals, or by the majority.
Oftentimes, I mean, when we saw the Jim Crow laws and whatnot, where courts stand and enforce the rule of law against arbitrary and capricious actions by what could be a tyrant, or what we’ve seen plenty of examples of that recently. And it enforces our values.
Our values, in a legal sense, are the Constitution. It’s for that reason, and we saw there are plenty of examples of history, and there’s plenty of examples over the last four years where it’s the courts that kept that balloon from bursting when it was challenged.
So, that’s why you should care about the courts, because, you know, it affects so many aspects of people’s lives that they don’t even know about, don’t even know.
And it affects society in such a big way. I mean, when we talk about criminal justice, we’ll talk about what effect it has on people of color in races and communities and whatnot. But, to me, that’s why the court stands so important.
They are a very different, equal branch of government that protects the values of this country against arbitrary majority rules to protect those values for everybody. Absolutely, and we do a lot of mundane, stupid, regular stuff too, besides those lofty goals of maintaining values.”
Impeach this fraud. He is an activist pretending to be a judge.