Tisha demonstrates how to drive her car with her feet, There are three main adaptations to my car 1 the left foot accelerator: this adaptation allows me to accelerate and break with my left foot, it can be taken out for other drivers in case someone else needs to drive my car 2 the turn knob: the turn knob is used for, well, turning the wheel. I use my right foot (the short one) to steer I don't always use the turn knob because it can get uncomfortable when rotating all the way around but it's there when i need it 3 the voice command computer box controls all of the main functions for everyday use like the turn signal and the horn the adaptations were bought from and installed by United Access Some people may be concerned about me driving with my feet. "It's not safe, it's not ok." just so you know I wasn't GIVEN my license, I WORKED for it. 20 hours of driving lessons with multiple adaptation adjustments, I took the test just like everyone else and I PASSED THE FRST TIME! given the test by an officer of the law. plus I taught all of my siblings how to drive!!! So before you start hating and worrying about safety I leave you with this: in 2009 there were 12,744 alcohol related automobile fatalities and About 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by texting drivers each year. People drink and drive and text and drive resulting in thousands of fatalities each year caused by ABLE bodied people who have arms