MEMPHIS, TN - (WMC) - Running from the police is a bad idea. Running from the police and hiding in a portable toilet is an even worse idea. As a video circulating on Facebook shows, the effort can be a complete waste. Memphis police cornered a suspect in a portable toilet on a construction site. It was how they got the suspect out that is out of the ordinary. An officer tipped it over. Next, they cleared the three neighboring toilets before flipping the first portable toilet right side up. Fifty-seven seconds into the video, the man emerges from the john, takes a boot to the rear, and ends up in handcuffs. It all happened at the construction site for the new International Paper building. Both IP and property managers say what happened is strictly a police matter. Investigators identify the suspect as Joseph Hampton, who was wanted for criminal trespassing and evading arrest. MPD launched an administrative investigation into the situation, and the four cops were relieved of duty. People who saw the video of the officer tipping over the portable toilet had mixed reviews. "They already had him cornered," said J.D. Littlejohn. "They ain't had to turn it over." "He could've been armed," James Almond added. "He could've come out and shot one of them. They all got families and kids to think about." Police say the man who was arrested has not filed any complaints about the matter.