A video released this week showing a Texas judge taking a field sobriety test raises questions about why her case was dismissed. Nora Longoria, an appellate judge in the 13th Court of Appeals, was pulled over in McAllen in July for reportedly going 69 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. Dashcam footage of the field sobriety test begins with the officer checking her vision. Then Longoria is told to walk a straight line, and from the very beginning, it's clear the judge is a little unsteady. Later, walking back in the opposite direction, she has trouble keeping her balance and almost falls over. According to the District Attorney in Hidalgo County, there was no breathalyzer taken, nor a blood sample. The case presented to DA Rene Guerra only included statements from the arresting officer and video of Longoria at the jail. The case was later dismissed due to a lack of evidence.