01:03 A UFO In New Jersey Shoots Out Powerful Laser Beams And A Spotlight Into The Atmosphere!!! 1 0 0
00:22 Illegal Invaders Are Found Hiding In The Front Of A Train That Was Travelling Between Italy And France 4 20 0
01:04 Terrifying footage shows how enormous supervolcano could wipe out entire city after it erupts underwater 2 1 0
01:41 Incredible 'tube cloud' stuns onlookers after appearing in the sky during incredibly rare weather phenomenon 2 0 0
00:54 WTF is that!? Crazy Anomaly in the Skies Looks like an Invisible Alien Spacecraft Covered the Clouds 3 0 0
01:35 Brazilian Fisherman Nearly Lose Their Lives after a Sinkhole Swallows an Entire Lake in Just Days! 3 1 0
09:48 WOW! SURREAL Moment Trump Supporters ALLOW Black Lives Matter to Issue a Statement in Hopes They Can Find Common Ground 0 0 0