00:40 Driver Who Is Obviously Mentally Retarded Allows His Car To Be Destroyed By A Train Because He Couldn't Figure Out How To Drive Around The Safty Guard Rail 2 7 0
01:48 School District Board Meeting In New York Over Porn Images Being Displayed To Children- Watch What Happens 0 5 0
00:12 Muslim Scumbag Drives His Car Through Crowds In Munich, Screams Allah's Name When Police Take Him Down 1 9 0
00:19 NYC Comptroller Bitches About Elon And DOGE Removing 80 Million Dollars That The City Was Going To Use On Illegals 12 0 0
00:12 Chinese Athletes at the Olympics get 5-Star Food, Nice Hotels, This is what the Rest of the Worlds Athletes Get 2 1 0
01:11 Machester United Soccer Player, Mason Greenwood, Sexually Assaults his GF, Beats her After she Refuses Intercourse 10 28 0
00:49 'Stop asking me Stupid F*cking Questions' Legendary NBA Player, Penny Hardaway, UNLEASHES on the Stupid Media 7 0 0
00:17 WAIT FOR IT! Here is your Sign Fighting is Definitely Not For You - Stick to Video Games! 2 0 0
01:35 Armenian Boxer Arest Saakyan Dies After a Brutal Knockout Loss After Eating Jabs for 8 Rounds 5 8 0
00:20 Mali Football Star Suffers A Massive Heart Attack During Match....Surely It's Global Warming 2 0 0
02:20 Woman Trying To Be Peacemaker Between Fighting Football Fans Gets Knocked Out Cold At The Peach Bowl 2 1 0
00:50 LOL: NASCAR Driver Who Started The 'Let's Go Brandon' Craze Is Now Sponsored By Let's Go Brandon Crypto Coin 5 0 0
00:18 The Now Nameless Former Washington Redskins' Jonathan Allen Throws A Piunch At His Fellow Teammate During Blowout 0 0 0
01:22 AND AGAIN: Manchester United Player Stops Mid-Play, Grabs His Chest, Has To Leave With Heart Issues 1 1 0
00:29 Basketball Superstar, Kevin Durant, has some Explaining to do After Filmed Feeling up an Opposing Player 0 1 0
01:16 6'3 Transgender Swimming, Lia Thomas, DESTROYS Female Swimming Records after Losing as a Male 1 0 0
00:18 High School Basketball Player Arrested After Sucker Punching Opponent Team Member During After Game Handshake 3 2 0
02:17 Doors Guitarist, Robby Krieger, Has An Epic Fail Trying To Play The National Anthem Before NHL Game 1 1 0