A former Marine who served in Iraq says he's been banned from his daughter's Maryland high school after a heated argument over a lesson on Islam. Kevin Wood told MyFoxDC.com that he went to La Plata High School in La Plata, a town about 30 miles southeast of Washington, and challenged a history assignment requiring students to list the benefits of Islam. He said the meeting with the vice principal got heated; the school said he made a threat and banned the Iraq veteran from school property. "[Wood] was threatening to cause a disruption or possible disruption at the school," a district spokesperson said. Wood did not deny getting worked up over the issue, but said he was standing up for the Constitution and is against any religion being taught at the public school. "I have witnesses that have said I did not threaten anybody," he told the station. "I don't force my religious views on them, so don't force your religious views on me." The school is allowing his eleventh-grade daughter to spend the class time in the school's library, but defended its assignment and said it is teaching world history, not religion. Wood's wife, Melissa, wondered how teaching about one religion is considered a history lesson while teaching about Christianity would be viewed diffrerently. "We cannot discuss our Ten Commandments in school but they can discuss Islam's Five Pillars?" The three-page assignment asked questions including, "How did Muslim conquerors treat those they conquered?"