00:35 US Influencer Might Get Deported From Australia After Taking A Baby Wombat From Its Mother To Take A Video For Her Socials 5 42 0
03:17 Fake, Clickbait Pedo Hunters Get Confronted By Lady For Assaulting Their Target But Never Calling The Cops, They Then Turn On Her 2 4 0
00:51 Meet Ukraine's New Army Recruit As He's Kidnapped And Thrown Into A Van While Screaming For Help 0 2 0
01:33 Keep At It, Dip$hits: The Democrat's Favorability Falls To The Lowest Level In CNN History 9 0 0
She's back! Tomi Lahren goes after Pope Francis for his remarks regarding American Politics News 3314 days ago Prev video Next video x2x1.5x1x0.500:00 / 00:00PlayMuteFullscreenFluid Player 3.51.0 02:13 Shirtless Lunatic Destroys A Terminal In Dublin After Missing Flight 0 0 0 02:02 Nasty, Aggressive POS Liberal Sums Up What Dangerous Cult The Party Has Become 1 2 0 00:21 Arsonist Accidentally Lights Himself On Fire In Commiefornia 0 0 0 00:51 Meet Ukraine's New Army Recruit As He's Kidnapped And Thrown Into A Van While Screaming For Help 0 2 0 00:40 She thought she could bully someone and film it. She thought wrong! 0 0 0 01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0 × 2 2 Posted by RagnarLothbrok 3314 days ago News This woman is great, every time she does one of these videos I can't do anything but clap, yes, i literally sit in my office chair looking at my monitor clapping. Even the cat joins in some times. Because well, the cat agrees too. COMMENTS VIDMAX
00:51 Meet Ukraine's New Army Recruit As He's Kidnapped And Thrown Into A Van While Screaming For Help 0 2 0
01:54 Man comatose 6-months after police used a Taser on him as he stumbled into cold salt water 0 0 0