San Francisco’s $120 million bench sitting quarterback Colin Kaepernick called Donald Trump a racist at a press conference where he was enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. If you’re not familiar with Kaepernick, he’s a half-black/half-white quarterback who plays for the San Francisco 49ers.
Kaepernick’s biological sperm donor, a black convict, disappeared around the time he was born and his biological mother put them up for adoption. He was adopted by a white couple in Wisconsin.
He was an impressive college football player who managed to squeeze $120 million contract the 49ers. To say he hasn’t lived up to his potential is the understatement of the year. He likely won’t be playing this year and as long as he has to sit on the bench he made a decision that, because he thinks Blacks are downtrodden he’s not going to stand for the national anthem.
Kaepernick is the poster boy for a downtrodden black man. Here’s his closet.