In a Thursday morning interview on CNN, Clinton Foundation President Donna Shalala argued that improper, pay-for-play behavior “never happened” at the Clinton Foundation because those types of relationships used to be standard operating procedure in business and government.
“Guess what. That never happened. Never happened,” Shalala emphatically told “New Day” host Alisyn Camerota. “I don’t care who asked for what. It never happened. It just did not happen.”
“But are you comfortable with the Clinton Foundation executives asking State Department for favors and access?” Camerota asked the foundation president.
“Well, you know, no one should cross any line,” Shalala responded. “Requesting a courtesy meeting when I was Secretary of HHS for instance by a Republican senator was not unusual.”
“Any cabinet officer knows that members of your committees will call up and say, ‘Listen, I’ve got this guy who has a way to save money on healthcare, so will you see him as a favor to me?'”
“So business as usual is what you’re saying?” posed Camerota.
“No, business as usual is not acceptable anymore in government,” Shalala answered. “We have better disclosure than we have ever had before.”
Shalala’s comments come only days after she admitted on CNN that Clinton Foundation donors received “courtesy appointments” during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.