Speaking out in a recorded message released in English and Dutch after his trial in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders has blasted the court for convicting him, remarking that they have also convicted by-proxy millions of his fellow countrymen as well.
Freedom Party leader and member of parliament Geert Wilders was found guilty of giving “group insult” and “inciting discrimination” at court this morning, but was acquitted for “incitement to hatred”.
Although the judge did not impose a punishment — legal experts had anticipated a €5,000 fine and a custodial sentence was also possible — the case has left the leader of the Netherlands’ top-polling political party with a criminal record.
Speaking this morning, Mr. Wilders said the conviction wouldn’t stop him, remarking: “I will never be silent. You will not be able to stop me. And you are wrong, too”.
The Freedom Party leader criticised the premise and coverage of the trial, in which he was accused of racism, remarking his comments had been focussed purely on Moroccans, who have caused social and criminal problems in his country. He said: “Moroccans are not a race, and people who criticize Moroccans are not racists. I am not a racist and neither are my voters. This sentence proves that you judges are completely out of touch.
“And I have also a message for Prime Minister Rutte and the rest of the multicultural elite: You will not succeed in silencing me and defeating the PVV. Support for the Party for Freedom is stronger than ever, and keeps growing every day. The Dutch want their country back and cherish their freedom. It will not be possible to put the genie of positive change back in the bottle”.
Referring to the coming elections in March 2017 and his party’s position as the highest-polling in the Netherlands, Mr. Wilders said: “Today, I was convicted in a political trial, which, shortly before the elections, attempts to neutralize the leader of the largest and most popular opposition party”.
He also echoed previous comments when he said it was a “travesty” and politically motivated. Damning the judgment as not having only attempted to curtail his freedom of speech but also having a chilling effect on others, he said: “You have restricted the freedom of speech of millions of Dutch and hence convicted everyone.
“No one trusts you anymore. But fortunately, truth and liberty are stronger than you. And so am I… And this conviction only makes me stronger.
“This is a shameful sentence, which, of course, I will appeal. But I can tell you, I am now more vigorous than ever. And I know: together, we aim for victory.”.