SHOCKING footage shows injured victims moments after they were mowed down in a suspected copycat van attack in North London.
At least two people are thought to be dead and several are hurt and in what is feared to be an anti-Muslim terror atrocity near Finsbury Park Mosque.
Moku, for the last time you dumfuq, PATIENTS go see Doctors! Patience is what this Muzzie had.
She's hysterical! Ya fuckin CUNT...she's right too
....trust her to pick a 'mild' one! (At least he has a JOB, Lady!)
there are no good white people
Yeah! And soon, he will buy up all your parents land that you'll no longer be able to afford. Dumbass.
You sound like you like that? s*** eating n***** lover
I'm with her on this but natos leaders are dead set on destroying their own countries with illegal aliens and black people.
Huh, just like here!
You're a toxic nuisance species with absolutely no value and all deficit stop pretending
It's going to be fun when the Scott's go full McEvil on muzzies.
The muzzies will kick their asses....like they normally do
What happened to the Ottoman empire? Crusaders.
U fucking moron....are u saying the crusaders defeated the ottomans in 1918? Because thats when the ottoman empire fell...
The Ottoman Empire had been dying a slow death for centuries, when Europeans started pushing them out of Europe. The Empire's high water mark was the 1600s.
It wasn't the crusaders that did them in, but its fair to say that the Europeans ultimately defeated the Ottomans and began that victory hundreds of years ago.
People have been suspicious of Muslim countries ever since the Ottoman expansion Hence the saying that Islam has "bloody borders."
Good job....it took crackas almost 400 years to get them out...
And they remain in all the African countries they bothered to take.
Unfortunately....hopefully they will get the french crackas up outta there and the rest of the honks will follow....u crackas are parasites
try chimping in ireland/scottland and see how long you get to keep your front teeth, i'm betting on less than 15min.
Cracka....no one is gonna go to those shithole countries to troll the troglodytes....calm down
No you fuc, I'm citing two diff events.
For what? Oh....because ur a fucking dumbass
Your mammy is the dumbazz.
Good one...
I know dumbazz.
Its a ng gr..
N***** comments are ignored here because of course you're a n***** you are their slave in their little black dog so you can be quiet
My family happened to the ugly stinking pieces of sht you're right. Ready again too
We have destroyed those Beasts for a thousand years and nothing will be any different this time you uppity Co on
The tech . deployed in GB is modified to transmit a calming effect on the masses . They are in the delusion . Nothing will happen . They are neutered and will comply to this invasion . It's over there !
ELF waves all around to keep the sheep calm and sore.
how wonderful for this driver to record this and then share it with the world.
well.. dude.. you are one innocent and righteous person.
you'll surely go be with jesus when you die.
Orcs and goblins go to sheol where they belong
He was asking for a payment, then it must be a taxi not Uber.
He was probably trying to Con her out of extra money. they are pieces of crap
She’d be eating headrest, at least once.
Deathproof style.
Oh you're a n***** or an orc? well you'll be shot soon and thank God
Don’t give up your dayjob, cause you suck as a magician, you probably have a dead dove in your pocket.
I'm not the one that stumbled all over their self being an orc lover right in front of everybody so just go home and put your head in the microwave tard, your brain is broken
I’m just not a pathetic speck of turd like you, and if that bothers you, it’s a win-win for me. You’re just a case of mind over matter, I don’t mind, cause you don’t matter.
You see, all little pricks like you want is attention, once you don’t get it, you’re just an insignificant little prick. Therefore, as sure as your mother sucks black dick, I’ll be ignoring you from now on.
You can always start a little fanclub with likeminded pricks, so you can debate over me who hates me the most.
Say hi to your mom.
Bye bye! ;)
I like ths old lady. Why can't these people stay in their own country.
Because there is satanic cancer that we've had to destroy for a thousand years
She woulda got the shit smacked out of her in the states
especially by a black man, who loves to enforce his "strength" over weak women and old people.
And rightfully so.
Stupid bitch. If you don't like them, then don't take a uber with an Arab driver, and don't give him your money! Enough of those people constantly whining about something, but doing nothing!
she seems nice.
what he should say is "madam, your Scottish government has made me not only legal to be but they also gave me a driver's license. It's fair to say that they like me more than they like you. In short, you voted for the bastards that let me be here you fkn dolt"
what a moron. first by falling asleep in a taxi. then by insulting a man you dont know where anything could have happened. then for good measure committing a racially motivated hate crime on camera. that was one hell of an expensive cab ride.
I couldn't find a single thing she said that was wrong.
Normal it's your wife.
Just drop her in front of a hotel covered with migrants and let the rest play out.
I'm Scottish and she's correct.
Ur a northern britfag? Figures...u crackas wear skirts and farm haggises....
He's kidnapping her.
They NEVER bathe.
Akhmed should have canceled the ride and left her out on the moors with the sheep.
"This Scottish Woman Sure Doesn't Like Here Arab Uber Driver"
English much?
unload the whole can of bear spray lol
Mohammed bin Laden should have dropped this vaping Scottish c*nt in the middle of the street. Alahu Fuckbar!
I was hoping Beulah Mc Calister over there would choke on her Blue Light Vape Special.
I'd fuck her
Any Scot telling an orc it's a foreign cu*t and to go right to hell and get out of Scotland is blessed of God
At least she sticks up for her country you dandified ladies vagina
and all because he refused to rape her.