Former Vice President Al Gore endorsed the Malthusian idea that the United States should take active measures to “stabilize population growth” at a climate event in California on Monday.
Gore spoke positively of trends in first world countries that led families to have less than two children and expressed optimism that the same trend was coming to the third world.
“Population is stabilizing in China, stabilizing in India,” Gore said.
Gore listed four factors that would lead to a reduction in population growth in the third world:
The education of girls, boys too, but girls have not had the same opportunities. The empowerment of women to participate in the choices in the family, the community, the nation. The availability of fertility management on a ubiquitous or nearly ubiquitous basis so that women and their partners can choose how many children to have and the spacing of those children. And most importantly, continued declines in children mortality.
The former vice president’s allusions to “choices in the family” and “fertility management” are thinly veiled references to birth control and more controversially, abortion.
“The U.S. has reneged on its promises to assist the world in making fertility management more available, and there’s a whole history on that that we won’t go into,” Gore said, further referencing previous U.S. policies of funding global abortion providers.
The Trump administration reinstated the Mexico City policy in January, blocking U.S. federal funding from going to abortion providers.