Defend Europe, a project of Génération Identitaire, is undertaking an anti-migration action in the Mediterranean right now. Using a 40 meter former research vessel, Defend Europe plan to collect evidence against the activities of NGO’s and where possible, to return migrants to their port of departure. Using a combination of their own funds, and crowdfunding through wesearchr.com, Defend Europe has obtained the use of a 422 tonne ship, the “C-star” (formally “Suunta”). They have fitted it with radar, sailed it from Africa to Sicily, and are the verge of launching their first major NGO reconnaissance / Search and Rescue mission.
Defend Europa has previously written about NGO’s working with people smugglers to collect migrants from closer and closer to the African coast. Rather than returning them to the nearest safe port, as specified in international law, the NGO’s have been shipping the migrants hundreds of kilometers to Sicily and Greece, while coaching them on asylum seeker claims. Once in Europe, asylum seekers are rarely if ever deported, even when their claims are rejected.
Defend Europe / Génération Identitaire are aware of the NGO’s activities, and plan to show them to the world. They believe that collaboration between NFO’s and people smuggling gangs is illegal, causes deaths at sea, and contributes to the migrant crisis in Europe. Defend Europe believe that the Australian policy of stopping and or turning back every boat is the best policy for Europe. Australia commenced this policy in 2013 and virtually eliminated people smuggling immediately.
Generation Identitaire are an organization of young, social media savvy identitarians mainly from central Europe. They have taken as the symbol of their movement “The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans shields”, which generally appears in yellow on black, or black on yellow.