Louis Moncivas Gutierrez, an experienced stunt coordinator, actor, and environmental activist admitted on camera to smuggling an illegal immigrant across the border, a felony that carries up to ten years in prison, a fine, or both.
“I was caught with an illegal immigrant in my automobile – in my car on the border – and they arrested me. I got fined $10,000. I got a new truck to me taken away, and I had to do one-year probation, and I spent seven days in jail,” Gutierrez said in a video first published on Core News Texas.
Gutierrez has a rather long rap sheet that includes charges of burglary, criminal trespassing, bail jumping, and failure to appear, among others.
Gutierrez was previously involved in the failed protest of the Trans-Pecos pipeline, which resulted in protesters asking donors for bus fare so that they could return home.