Elizabeth Warren is at it again. This time at the Marxist Netroots Nation conference. It’s the largest annual gathering of progressives in the country and Warren took the opportunity of course to grandstand and lay into President Trump. She bluntly put it this way: “And by the way, Mr. President, we’re never ever going to build your stupid wall!” And the commies went wild. She also vowed to protect illegal aliens and get rid of Trump’s Muslim ban, which does not exist. But it’s red meat to her base I guess and sounds good. She also attacked Jeff Sessions as a racist.
The wall was Trump’s biggest campaign promise. Over the last week, his aides have been trying to cut deals with the left to get funding for the wall through. It’s never going to work as you can see and hear from Warren. And we shouldn’t even try. You do not negotiate with terrorists and that’s what the left is anymore. We have control of the Senate and Trump has executive power. If he really wants the wall, it will happen.