A Missouri Democrat was recently spotted conveying an awful “hope” for the U.S. president before deleting the Facebook post, but here it is: Missouri state senator posts, deletes Facebook post hoping for Trump's assassination Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal posted, then deleted a Facebook comment in which she hoped "Trump is assassinated" From the Post Dispatch: Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, posted a comment in a Facebook conversation Thursday morning saying she hoped President Donald Trump will be assassinated.
The comment has since been removed. But Chappelle-Nadal confirmed to the Post-Dispatch that she had written it in response to another commenter before deleting it. “I didn’t mean what I put up. Absolutely not. I was very frustrated,” Chappelle-Nadal told the newspaper. “Things have got to change.” -- And guess who’s now involved: The Secret Service has called KMOX to investigate this. U.S. Secret Service in St. Louis says they are looking into Chappelle-Nadal's Facebook comment about President Trump Chappelle-Nadal continues to make her dislike of Trump well-known: Maria Chappelle-Nadal: “45 traumatizes his citizens. We need a self-correction. The stability of our nation is standing on wobbly stilts. Our strength is in doubt.”
It depends on what your definition of “self-correction” is. Who wants to bet nothing happens to her? She needs to be arrested - this is against the law. Grounds for removal from her seat immediately! -- Ahh the loving, caring left.