A husband has been accused of murdering his two wives by locking them in a car and setting it alight.
Deepa Ram, who has been arrested on suspicion of murder, was in the car as the fire started and managed to get out, both his wives were trapped inside with the doors locked, according to police.
Mr Ram, 30, was allowed to marry a second woman Dariva Devi, 22, as his first wife Malu Devi, 26 has special needs.
He is now accused of killing them both, despite having a son by his first wife and two children by his second.
Sickening footage has emerged of the white family car ablaze on the road as people desperately try to help by throwing buckets of water at it.
Both women burned to death in the Chittalwana area of Jalore District in northern India.
Police believe the Mr Ram kept the women locked in the car after he got out and set the fire but tried to make the blaze look like an accident.